Sunday, October 13, 2019
Language Teacher Response
Language Teacher Response Teachers questioning Strategies in EFL classrooms 1) What type of questions does the teacher use? 2 Is there a predominance of any particular type(s)? 3) What modification techniques does s/he employ when questions are not understood? 4) How much L2 production do questions generate from the learners? Questioning is considered by researchers as one of the commonly used strategies in language classrooms. Questions are a very important aspect of classroom talk and teachers talk is largely made up of questioning (Tsui 1995). Educational studies on language classrooms have focused on the effect of teacher questions on learners production of the target language and on the types of learner response (Tsui 1995). Teachers questions are a means of engaging learners attention, encouraging verbal responses, and assessing learners progress (Chaudron 1988). Tsui (1995) has elaborated the functions of questions as a source of checking students understanding, to confirm if they have gained the knowledge imparted, to focus their attention, make them involved in the lesson, to take the lesson forward and some teachers ask questions to maintain discipline in the classroom and especially in language classroom questions serve the purpose of making students practice a certain language item and to use the target language for communication. Questioning can either assist target language production or result in meaningful content-related responses by learners (Chaudron 1988). Ellis (1994) gives more emphasis on questioning as a way of keeping control over the classroom discourse. Long (1981) argues that questioning probably facilitates interaction by establishing the topic and who is likely to speak next (Chaudron 1988). Questions provide learners with the opportunity to speak the language and generate a series of follow up conversation among learners as well as helping teacher to check comprehension (Brown 1994).But on the other hand Chaudron (1988) is of the opinion that the nature of questions may strictly limit the possibilities for the students to respond at length. According to Tsui (1995) in majority of the ESL classrooms main part of classroom interaction is created by the teacher posing questions and these can be nearly 70 percent of the classroom talk. But Chaudron (1988) attributes only 20 t0 40 percent classroom talk to questioning. Johnston (1990) observed a total of 522 questions of different types in three hours of language class. Similarly, Long and Sato (1983) observed a total of 938 questions in six ESL lessons (Ellis 1994). Types of Questions The type of questions that the teacher asks affects the kind of response that the students produce (Tsui 1995) Much of the work on questions has centered on developing taxonomies to describe the different types (Ellis, 1994:587). There are so many different types of questions that it is difficult to decide on different categories (Richards and Lockhart 1996, Ellis 1994). However, Tsui (1995) argues that various types of questions are based on the factors such as their cognitive demand and their effect on students. Closed and Open Question Closed and Open-ended questions are distinguished by an early study on L1 classrooms (Barnes 1969 cited in Chaudron 1988). In the earliest classification Barnes (1969; 1976) Closed questions have a short and fixed answer (Barnes 1969). The questions that begin with where, who, when and what are considered factual questions (Barnes 1969 cited in Tsui 1995) having closed and usually brief set of responses (Chaudron 1988). For example Where were you born? (Chaudron 1988) Open questions begin with why and how and are classified having longer response therefore the length and nature of the expected response is left open (Chaudron 1988). They can be referred as general information questions (cf. Naiman et al. 1978; Bialystok et al. 1978 cited in Chaudron 1988). For example What did you do on trip? (Chaudron 1988) Questions that seek for reason (how? and why?) can be both open and close, much of the distinction is made by Barens (1969) between these two types of reasoning questioning (Ellis 1994). Closed reasoning-type questions are the ones that allow one acceptable answer where as open are framed to allow a number of different acceptable responses. However, Barens also points out that many questions have the appearance of being open, but, in fact, when the teachers response to a students answer is examined, turn out to be closed; he calls these pseudo-questions'( Ellis 1994). Long and Satos Taxonomy (1983) The taxonomy which will be used in this research paper is given by Long and Sato (1983) which is based on Kearsleys (1976) framework of question types (Ellis 1994). Long and Sato (1983) made necessary changes in Kearsleys (1976) taxonomy of question types according to their study of ESL teachers questions (Ellis 1994). This taxonomy cited by Ellis (1994) is as follows: Echoic Comprehension checks e.g., All right?; OK?; Does everyone understand polite? Clarification requests e.g., What do you mean?; I dont understand; What? Confirmation checks e.g., S: Carefully. T: Carefully?; Did you say he? Epistemic Referential e.g. Why didnt you do your homework? Display e.g. Whats the opposite of up in English? Expressive e.g. Its interesting the different pronunciations we have now, but isnt it? Rhetorical: e.g. Why did I do that? Because I This framework of questions is based on two main question types, echoic questions and epistemic questions with seven sub-categories. Echoic questions seek for repetition of an utterance or confirm that it has been understood by the listener whereas epistemic questions obtain information from the learners (Ellis 1994). The sub-categories include comprehension checks, clarification requests and confirmation checks under echoic questions and referential, display, expressive, and rhetorical are the sub-categories of epistemic questions (Ellis 1994). Display and Referential Questions Taxonomies by Koivukari (1987) and Hakansson and Lindberg (1988) Questioning Behavior Questions and learner production Modification of questions According to Richards and Lockhart (1996) questioning can be used to allow the learners to keep participating in the discourse and even modify it so that the language used becomes more comprehensible and personally relevant. Wait Time Socio-Cultural Contest
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